⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The ultimate keep-it-simple drum tuner app for your smartphone! DRUM TUNER EZ is as easy as "hit & tune"!/// WHY USE IT? ///〉 Ridiculously EASY〉 Epically FAST〉 Rad ACCURATE〉 Dirt CHEAP〉 YOLO Lifes too short for tuning drums with a tuning fork!/// HOW TO USE IT? ///〉 STEP 1 Hit near a lug! 〉 STEP 2 Press SET to make the lug pitch into the tuning target. (Once your tuning target is set, the app kills overtones ninja-style!)〉 STEP 3Make all lugs match the target pitch! 〉 STEP 4Play & sound awesome!/// SPECIFICATIONS ///〉Normal view, lug overview〉Swift tuner response 🏍〉Pitch resolution up to 1 Hz accuracy〉Pitch detection range from 30 Hz to 550 Hz/// WARNING /// This app does NOT support rooted, hooked, debug mode or otherwise modified devices.Modifying/rooting/hacking/etc your device is an action performed at your own risk./// 🗯 SUPPORT /// E-mail:
[email protected] interweb: drumtuner-ez.comFB: facebook.com/DrumTunerEZ